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Making products to inject dreamy ease
into the customer’s life
近沢レース店は1901年、横浜で絹輸出商として創業した。その後、麻生地の小売りを経てレースを扱うようになる。レースは基本的技法が16世紀のヨーロッパで完成し、美しさ優雅さが貴族社会において富の象徴として尊ばれた。近沢レース店では、繊細な技巧を今に受け継ぐドイツ、スイス、ベルギー、ベトナム、中国など世界各地から最高の素材を仕入れ、オリジナルデザインで仕上げる。これまでレースは主に返礼ギフトとして重宝されたが、最近の潮流は「大切な方に贈るパーソナルギフトになった」と近澤社長は言う。またインテリアとしての主用途から、近年は袋物、ショール、日傘などファッション用品へバリエーションが広がっている。貴族社会では主に男性が身につけたが、現代では女性にとっての永遠の嗜好品である。近澤社長は「お客さまが当社の商品を身近に飾ったり、身に付けることで『夢とゆとり』を感じていただきたい」という想いがある。そのためには老舗の 看板にとらわれず、時代が求めるものを生み出していく。これまで110余年そうであったように。
Giving the Chikazawa touch to the world’s finest materials
Chikazawa Lace began life in Yokohama in 1901 as a silk exporter, and sold hemp fabric for a time before turning to lace. The basic techniques of lace-making were perfected in 16th century Europe, where lace’s beauty and elegance were prized as a symbol of wealth among the aristocracy. Chikazawa Lace sources the finest materials from countries around the world, such as Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Vietnam, and China, where delicate craftsmanship lives on, and turns them into its own original designs. Although lace has traditionally been used in Japan for thank-you gifts, people are now starting to give it as a present to people who are dear to them, according to Hiroaki Chikazawa, president of Chikazawa Lace. Lace has also moved in recent years beyond traditional interior settings into new areas, such as use in bags, shawls, parasols, and other fashion accessories. Among the aristocracy, lace was worn mostly by men. Nowadays, however, it is a perennial favorite with women. “When customers wear our lace products or use them as decorations around the home,” explains Mr. Chikazawa, “we want them to experience a sense of fancy and relaxation—‘dreamy ease’ if you like—in their lives.” Despite its long history, Chikazawa Lace is no stick in the mud, and it will continue, as it has done for well over a century now, to create designs that keep pace with the times.