庭の大きな榎木と瀟洒なたたずまいがひときわ目を引く、えの木て い本店にて。「本場英国の味わいをより楽しんでいただけるよう、2階の個室では アフタヌーンティーもご提供しています」安藤美穂オーナー
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Handmade cakes and tea in the authentic atmosphere
of a converted English-style residence
庭の大きな榎木と瀟洒なたたずまいがひときわ目を引く、えの木て い本店にて。「本場英国の味わいをより楽しんでいただけるよう、2階の個室では アフタヌーンティーもご提供しています」安藤美穂オーナー
The glorious Chinese hackberry tree makes this tearoom on Yamate-dori impossible to miss
The Yamate district of Yokohama used to be where the foreign residents of the city lived, and old European-style buildings dating from the first half of the 20th century are still to be found dotted around the neighborhood. One of these, preserved in the English style in which it was built in 1927, is now occupied by Enoki-Tei’s main tearoom. The building was originally bought as a residence in 1970 by the parents of the current proprietor, Miho Ando. There they used to host home parties for their neighbors and also invite sightseers who had come to see the area’s historical Western architecture in for tea and cakes. Seeing the enjoyment that this gave people, it was not long before Ms. Ando’s mother began to ponder the idea of opening a proper tearoom. And so it was that Enoki-Tei opened in 1979. Ms. Ando inherited from her mother a belief in the importance of “treating guests with warm hospitality like friends at home.” Many of the items on the menu, such as cherry sandwich cookies and cakes, are still made to her mother’s recipes. Similar attention is paid to the interior, with “wooden sash windows, antique furniture dating back 150 years or more, and a log fire in winter all provided so guests can spend a relaxing time in a real European-style building of the kind that’s a rarity these days.” As result, taking time for tea at Enoki-Tei is like falling through a time warp.