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Selected ingredients for the finest flavors,
rooted in authenticity and the idea that we are what we eat
横浜中華街では、宮廷料理人によって磨かれた北京料理、都市で洗練された上海料理、山海の幸をふんだんに用いた広東料理、厳しい風土が生んだ辛く濃厚な四川料理を楽しめる。中国の地方ごとの食文化である「北鹹、東酸、西辣、南淡」で表される味覚は、広く、深い。中華街において提供される本場の味覚を支えているのが中国食品の専業老舗 源豊行である。「業務用で卸しているのは中華街はもちろん東京でも一流店のみ」という、「真材実料」(すべて本物の良い材料)にこだわった品揃えが特長。「医食同源」(健康の元は食にあり)という中国人の伝統的な考え方をモットーに、あらゆる中国食品を取り揃えて、腕利き料理人のオーダーに応え続けている。「一流店にはそうそう足を運べない」という方も、源豊行本店や中国食品センターでは一般の消費者が気軽に買い物をできる。店内には調味料、香辛料、乾物、瓶詰め、自社製の冷凍食品、お茶や壷入り紹興酒、各種珍味などが勢揃い。中華街に出かけた際、我が家のキッチンでも活躍できる一品を探してみるのも一興だ。
Essentials for salty, sour, spicy, and mild cuisine
In Yokohama China Town, one can enjoy Beijing cuisine from the “Emperor’s kitchen,” urbane Shanghai cuisine, Cantonese cuisine created from everything the land and sea have to offer, and rich, spicy Szechuan cuisine born of that region’s harsh climate. China’s richly varied styles of regional cuisine have given rise to the saying “salty in the north, sour in the east, spicy in the west, and mild in the south,” and behind the authentic tastes to be experienced in China Town is Genhoko, a long-established specialist supplier of Chinese foods. Known for its commitment to delivering only genuine, quality ingredients, Genhoko limits its wholesale clientele to only the best restaurants in China Town and Tokyo. Taking as its motto the traditional Chinese concept that “food and medicine come from the same source” (or, in Western parlance, we are what we eat), it stocks all kinds of Chinese foods to continuously fill expert chefs’ orders. Those who cannot often afford the luxury of dining at a top restaurant can drop in to shop at Genhoko’s main store or Chinese food center, where they will find a full range of seasonings, spices, dry foods, bottled goods, Genhoko’s own line of frozen foods, teas, Shaoxing wine in ceramic jars, delicacies, and so on. Discovering something for the kitchen at home is just one of the pleasures of a visit to China Town.