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Shumai pork dumplings
Yokohama’s most famous local delicacy
Made from natural ingredients, and delicious hot or cold
There’s not a native of Yokohama who hasn’t heard of Kiyoken’s Shumai pork dumplings. Made to the same recipe as when they first appeared in 1928, they have become the delicacy most associated with Yokohama. When they were developed 85 years ago, the aim was to make a pork dumpling that was “as delicious cold as hot.” After much effort and research, this was finally achieved by adding dried scallop to the blend of ingredients. They were made bite-sized so that they could be eaten on a swaying train without dropping pieces all over the floor, and they remain this size today. A further secret to the long-standing popularity of Kiyoken’s Shumai, according to president Naobumi Nonami, is that “they are made only from natural ingredients - pork, dried scallop, onions, green peas, and so forth.” That’s why people never grow tired of Kiyoken’s Shumai, no matter how often they have them. Also not to be overlooked is the Kiyoken Shumai Bento, or boxed lunch, a super long-selling evolution of Kiyoken’s Shumai that first went on sale in 1954. These contain fluffy steamed rice, delicious cold or hot, together with a tasty balance of other delicacies, such as tuna teriyaki, fried chicken, and simmered bamboo shoots, along with of course Shumai. They are sold in wooden boxes, which importantly absorb moisture and enhance the taste, explains Mr. Nonami.
株式会社 崎陽軒
〒220-0011 横浜市西区高島2-12-6